AI Technology Application Analysis and Contact Request

At AI Technology, we are dedicated to making your application a success. The Application Analysis form below tells us what you are looking for and helps us recommend the right product for you. Application Analysis is also the first step in ordering a sample for evaluation. So please take a moment to tell us what you need. All you have to do is click on a few options. We promise, it’s fast and easy!

Contact Form


AI Technology Inc.

U.S. Main Facility:
70 Washington Road
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550-1012
Phone: (609) 799-9388
Fax: (609) 799-9308

U.S. Second Facility:
18 Roszel Road
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550-1012
Phone: (609) 799-9388
Fax: (609) 799-9308

China, AI Technology Inc.
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Phone: (0755)-83768296